Based in the energy capital of the world, our Houston office, founded in 2008, has an important presence in this strategic location that aligns with the city’s prominence in the oil and gas sector. Our Houston team specialises in providing top-tier brokerage services, ensuring that clients receive industry-leading solutions tailored to the specific needs of the North American market.

Propelling maritime trade through excellence in shipping services.
With over 130 years of experience and a global network of industry connections, we are your trusted partner in shipbroking and advisory services.
Houston team
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Blake Stasa
Department: Crude Tankers
Location: Houston
Han Han
Department: Crude Tankers
Location: Houston
Jamie Ostwald
Senior Operator
Department: Tanker Ops
Location: Houston
Oliver Harvey
Sectional Director
Department: Clean Tankers
Location: Houston
Petter Huus
Tanker Operations Manager
Department: Tanker Ops
Location: Houston
Sam Ross
Department: Clean Tankers
Location: Houston
Find a Broker
Whether it’s tankers, clean products or specialised cargo, find a trusted broker in navigating the seas of global trade, and get access to a connected team of seasoned shipping professionals, operational excellence and unmatched strategic guidance.